The goal of Convey was to create a simple, lightweight way to get your course online, that felt as easy as writing a blog.

In the past we had tried to pull courses together, but found most solutions out there to be feel overwhelming and have a lot of unnecessary complexity for people like us, who just wanted an easy way to share their knowledge without compromising on a quality experience for their customers.

Making it feel like your own

In the early designs of Convey, we focused on a simple UI that felt like Medium. Where you could just focus on creating the content, but the experience would feel the same for everyone.

In the feedback on these designs, people expressed their desire to make their Convey site feel like their own. They liked the overall layout and feel, but they wanted to add a bit of something to make it feel like their own. Primarily a brand colour and maybe something else to help them stand out.

After multiple iterations and rounds of feedback we decided on adding a large space on the left that they could use to make their site feel like their own. This coupled with the brand colour felt like a simple, but powerful way to make the user add their own stamp on their site.

Giving the user space to think

We wanted to create a simple, yet powerful writing experience that gave the user space to think and play with ideas. So we decided to add notes and drafts as a way for the user to explore without committing to anything.

We found people would use notes as a way to give themselves a rough guide on what they wanted to say and drafts as a way exploring ways to share their ideas with their audience.

Giving the end user a great reading experience

Finally, we wanted to make sure the end-user also had a great reading experience.